

Meet the Team

Our team is made up of avid LARPers, storytellers, and adventurers! Learn more about the people who write and produce the world of Aldwa.

Leadership Team

The people who have the final say on what makes it into the world of Aldwa. From aesthetics and design to rules and logistics, these folks have a hand in every aspect of Ashenfall.


Kieran serves as our Executive Director and Gamemaster. He’s ultimately responsible for everything in one form or another… including paperwork. He loves a good combat scenario, exploring mysteries or secrets, and building a world of consequence. He’s bringing his prolific background of random hobbies and strengths in strategic decision-making / data to lead the team. He’s greatly looking forward to seeing the community come together to tell stories!


Andrew is our Technical and Logistics Director, managing everything from our tech stack to game organization. Known for his knack for streamlining and automation, he thrives on enhancing efficiency and reducing busy work. Andrew loves the escape LARP offers; he finds joy in the social play and the creative challenge of crafting immersive plots that surprise and engage players. He looks forward to unforgettable weekends of goofing around with friends and seeing the community come together to create a story.


Chelsea is our Visual Aesthetics Director. Bringing over 20 years of LARP experience to the table, she manages all of the visual elements of our events and immortalizes them in pictures. She loves bringing creativity to the story and visuals of a game and gets the most enjoyment out of making detailed costuming and props. She’s an animal lover, and in the past she’s worked with animals of all kinds, including farm, exotic, and even zoo!


Rob is our Rules and Combat Director. He was the lead designer of our rules system and is in charge of sourcing props for the game. Rob is great at thinking outside of the box and asking the right questions. At LARP, he loves immersive experiences that hit the emotions just right, intrigue, and the occasional combat. He brings his mechanical and electrical systems expertise to the game. With an entire woodshop at his disposal, there’s no telling what might show up in the village of Mysthaven!

Support Staff

Our logistics and standards experts! In addition to writing lore and plots, these folks help create and manage the cast and player experience at Ashenfall.


Jess is a roleplay lead and a member of the writing team. She loves dressing up and playing pretend, especially if she gets to make you laugh in the process. Jess was a theme park performer for six years; she brings a strong background in improv, storytelling, and character work to the table. She’s looking forward to offering players some interesting choices–and crafting equally interesting consequences!


Victor is in charge of the behind-the-scenes desk operations and cast center at our events and is a member of our plot writing team. He brings a deep background of organization and project management experience to the team as a real life (mad) scientist. He loves diving into the secrets and details of the collaborative stories at LARP and presenting interesting, hard, and impactful decisions at the game.


The people who write each and every detail into our world! You can count on this team for exciting lore, tangled plots, and characters galore.


What inspires them?

HP Lovecraft, Sarah J Maas, my husband, and historical folklore


What inspires them?

Agatha Christie, The West Wing, Film/Neo Noir, Robert Ludlum


What inspires them?

My dogs and cats, Fullmetal Alchemist, Avatar the Last Airbender, the Great British Bake-off, Discworld, Game of Thrones, and Redwall


What inspires them?

Malazan Book of the Fallen


What inspires them?

Warhammer 40k, Fallout, Warhammer the Old World, Warmachine, Shadowrun, Cyberpunk


What inspires them?

My kids, my wife, my unusual life, and my many years of gaming