Rulebook Version 1.1 (2025) release
We’re excited to release our updated Version 1.1 (2025) Rulebook! You can find a full changelog on the website, but the most noteworthy changes include:
- Fixed a variety of spelling, grammar, or straight up copy/paste errors in our initial design release that occurred when transitioning from draft to design
- Updated Socialite’s Resting Melody to be more useful / use-able in more scenarios than previous.
- Condensed information about Traits to appear in the Core Rules section.
- Updated the language in the Shields section under Core Rules to provide clarity.
- Significantly updated the formatting and language in the Armor section to provide clarity.
- Changed Acolyte Shrines to provide charges usable for their crafting and remove a potential logistical barrier during play. This should not change the crafting logic for them, but rather streamline the gameplay loop.
- Clarified that the start of the event counts as having completed a Rest for the purposes of establishing Wards/Troupe members, etc.
- Fixed the Strength of Aldwa Skill description for Totemic Warriors, slightly expanding its use cases.
- Added “10 minutes” as a duration for Sawbones Triage Training to clarify the use and intent of this skill, buffing the overall duration to provide enough time to match the Skill’s intent.
- Swapped Trunk 3 and Trunk 4 for all Crafting pathways to align access to multi-path/backfill progression with the rest of the system.
- Fixed the duplicate Trunk Skill description for Trunks 4 and 5 under all Crafting pathways to accurately display the Skill descriptions for each.
- Updated any Crafting recipes that were incorrect, there were many copy/paste errors there.
- Changed how Spirit works in our game to clarify that everyone can see Spirits, delineate this state from Out of Game signals, and provide additional information on the Spirit Trait to help ensure specific Skills for characters such as Veil Warden and Healer feel good and are clear.
Some additional updates on feedback can be found on our Discord!

Save The Date for an Ashenfall Barbecue
Need something to do between Spring and Fall seasons? Have the urge to eat hot dogs and stab your friends? Join us for a summer cookout at the Westville Recreation Area in Sturbridge, MA this June! Enjoy an afternoon with food, friends and fights! Date: Saturday, June 21st Cost: $15
We will be renting out Shelter 1 on Saturday June 21st with a tentative rain date of June 28th. This is open to friends and family so feel free to ask them to tag along. The menu includes burgers, hot dogs, chips, and a variety of salads. Details on the exact menu are being worked on and will be released as we get closer! There are some great fields for practicing LARP combat or playing lawn games, so feel free to bring both!
Spring Season is Upon Us
Happy New Year
As we celebrate the year 2025, the world of Aldwa eagerly welcomes in the year 125. The countdown to our first event of the Spring season has begun and ticket sales are now live! We’d like to take a moment to share a few updates as we prepare for the season.
Email Newsletter
You should have gotten an email to your registered account. We'll be sending updates through that for those folks that aren't as active on Discord.
Spring Tickets Are Live
Ticket sales for Spring games are now live! Visit the website to register today!
Staff Updates
We’ve made some updates to our staff and leadership teams! These folks did some amazing work in preparing us for our first event, and we’re proud to recognize them for it! Leadership: Jess L Jess makes sure that our content is ready for consumption, applying her real-life editing skills to our game’s voice and outward-facing presence. Staff: Julie S Julie is a member of the Prop Support team. She helps ensure that our props and costumes have meaningful details that give the world a real, lived in feel. Staff: Jessica F Jessica is a member of our Prop Support team. She is ultimately responsible for organizing cast costuming and props at our events!
Read more about who helps run Chronicles of Ashenfall and shape the world of Aldwa on our Staff Page.
Summer BBQ
We’re planning a summer BBQ! Details should be out this month, so keep an eye on Discord or the Events page for updates!
2025 Dates and Event Updates
Hello everyone! A friendly note that CP for cleanup and donations should now be available on the site! I encourage everyone to please check their [CP Log)[https://www.ashenfall.com/profile/cplog] to verify its accuracy as we did have some website updates in the middle of all of this. You should have 10 CP for the event, 10 CP if you did your feedback on time and any cleanup or Packet Donation CP if you contributed! Not seeing something? Please open a ticket on Discord or email us at support@ashenfall.com so it can get tracked.
2025 Dates We are pleased to announce our 2025 dates! March 14 - 16 April 25 - 27 October 3 - 5 October 24 - 26 Ticket sales for the Spring season will open on January 1st and tickets for the Fall season will open June 1st!
LARP Expo and Camp Work Day Just a friendly reminder that Taber Creek is hosting their camp work day and subsequent LARP expo this Saturday November 23rd. You'll get some boons for helping on the work day and get a chance to see Chronicles of Ashenfall and a host of other LARPs at the expo. Details on these two events can be found on Discord.
Rulebook, Character Builder and Updates
Rulebook Release It is with great excitement I announce the site has been updated and the rulebook is now publicly available! Thank you to the team helping to develop the skill system, those that helped run playtests and the countless feedback that was given to help tweak this into what it is today.
A shout out to the artists in our community that helped contribute artwork to the rulebook (and the website) to help make this something we have all had a hand in creating Backwoods Design Co (Christian Schuepbach) Carissa Willis Chelsea Stoddard Kieran Duffy Matt Cyphers Rainey Glæpur Rob Comeau
I want to give a personal shout out to Kieran for the countless days worth of time he's spent designing and laying it all out to something that makes you say "Holy Shit" when you look at it. Thank you to Jess for helping with the editorial and letting us kidnap him for days on end. It would not be where it is without those two. Words really can't do this thing justice so please take a look
Character Builder Live The Pathway selection system is now live! As soon as you build your character, you'll be able to select your first 2 trunks. Going forward, each additional trunk will cost 20 CP. We're still working on some of the site to show CP logs so stay tuned for those in the coming days.
Launch Party has Launched! Our Launch Party was overwhelmingly fun and I want to thank everyone that attended! We could not as for a better community to spend an afternoon with. Check out our World Anvil for the Lore Drops that were released as well as our Past Events page to see the photos! A huge thank you to Chelsea and Quinn to taking time out of their party festivities for taking those.
Deadlines A friendly reminder on the following timelines Backstory Submissions Due Ticket Sales lock - less than 4 weeks Kickoff Event - Less than 6 weeks
Event Registration and More
Hello everyone, Another round of exciting website updates that I know several of you have been anxiously waiting for! This round of updates brings information on our factions, some details on rules and policies at Taber Creek, and finally event registration for our Launch Party and Kickoff Event!
Faction Information
We're unveiling three of our factions making waves in the world of Aldwa. Introducing
- The Order of the Unburnt
- Chronicle Keepers Foundation
- The Stewards Who are these groups, what are their intentions, and can you join one in-game? Find out more by visiting the Factions page.
Camp Rules and Information
We've released the rules for camp, cabin and camping information and some local establishments that may be helpful for you on your quest. Feel free to pop in and familiarize yourself with your new home away from home on the Camp page.
Event Registration Is LIVE
Registration for our Launch Party and Kickoff Event are now open! We're beginning the round of backstory approvals this week so keep your eyes peeled on your DMs and Email.
Launch Party Details
For those looking to attend our September 21st Launch Party at Bergen House I'd like to share some fantastic and exciting information! Tickets are $15 and include:
- Personal pizzas provided by Adam (aka Book at Cottington!) a professional chef and LARPer in the community. Gluten and Dairy free options available.
- A glass of Bergen House mead
- A keychain medallion of the Ashenfall logo
- A chance to win various door prizes and swag
- A trivia game with a fantastic prize! Start brushing up on your Aldwa lore!
- Lore drops throughout the afternoon!
Website Updates and Character Backstory Submission
Hello everyone, the website has gone through some major updates in the last few weeks. A huge thank you to Ashe, Chelsea, Jess, and Kieran for all their support and help. Buckle up, because this one is a doozy.
- Custom Magic Icons - Visit our Core Concepts page to see some of the custom icons that represent the different elements in Aldwa.
- Game Info - The Costume page has gotten a facelift with the camp selection and some information on playing and perm casting at Chronicles of Ashenfall.
- Updated Costuming information - Check out the overhauled Costume page for the latest weapon rules, what to pack for LARP and say hi to our latest mascot, Sylvan Steve.
- Character Creation Guidelines - Our brand new Character Creation page will give you tips and guidelines for creating a character to fit our story. It also has the process for being Undying or Soulforged!
Character Creation
Within your User Profile you'll now see the ability to create a character! After creation of your character you'll be able to submit a backstory to begin the dialog with our plot team. Much like applications, these will be processed every few weeks so sit tight as we get them in.
Have a Private Question?
You'll see a new channel on Discord called #private-questions! Use this for any questions you may have that you aren't comfortable with the world at large knowing or to submit your application to play Undying or Soulforged! Not sure if something should be private or not? Don't worry! We posted some guidelines to help you out.
Species Information Update
Did you know Mothkin lay eggs? Check out the World Anvil under the World Encyclopedia (or visit each species page on the website and click the link) to see some updated information on each of these species to help you guide your backstory!

Launch Party Save the Date
We are excited to share some preliminary details about our Launch Party stretch goal. We'll be at Bergen House in Middletown, CT on September 21st from 12-4pm. We'll be using the registration system on the website to facilititate this event. This functionality is still in development but will be ready in the near future. Additional details are forthcoming but be prepared for an afternoon of fun, friends, and mead!
Camp Selection and More
Kickstarter Reminder
Kickstarter Ending Soon!! With just 11 hours to go on the Kickstarter, please be sure to double check your pledges, jump in if you'd like to and prepare yourself! There are a host of rewards both in game and out of game that are available and may only be available through the Kickstarter! We're fairly close to the next stretch goal, which may or may not involve projectiles in the form of arrows being added to cast arsenal! :heart: :green_heart: As we get close to closing out, a HUGE shout out to the community for helping us with this. We are beyond excited to get this game underway and eternally grateful for the trust and compassion! :blue_heart: :purple_heart:
Application Approvals
Application Approvals Inbound!! We released the application process on the site prior to building the approval process on the backend so we can get people in there sooner. I'm happy to report the code for approving applications is in review and testing. Ashe and I are at Fury this Saturday (JOIN US!) so there may be some delays. We'll be updating Discord roles in batches ahead of the website update so look out for that and watch your inbox.
Camp Selection and More
Drum up the excitement!! After reviewing several of the available camps in the area, we're happy to announce we've chosen Taber Creek in Union, CT as the home of Mysthaven! I know a lot of people really love the camp and we're excited to bring the world of Aldwa to its stretch of the woods. On top of all that, the contract has been signed and we're looking toward a **November 1st 2024 **first event kickoff date! There is a lot to do between now and then so be prepared for stuff to start coming out fast and furious. Please feel free to reach out to myself or Kieran should you have any questions!!
Application Process Live
The guilds of Piccarda were hard at work and are excited to announce Chronicles of Ashenfall is now open to accepting applications. Please create an account and apply to play or cast. There is still some work to do on the backend and we're expecting a little bit of a flood, so please give the team some time to process all of these! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask away in the pre-launch-questions channel! Selecting Cast or Player does not lock you into that choice and more details will be forthcoming on Character Building and Casting policies.
World Anvil And Pelolia Release
Hello everyone! The team has been hard at work putting together the lore of Aldwa for you to enjoy! From the people of the Vault to the horrifying jatzir, there is a host of information getting ready to be released. To help manage all that, we'll be using a tool called World Anvil to document and present. Pelolia Lore Drop Hello everyone, it is with great excitement I can announce the release of our World Anvil and first cultural release, Pelolia! You can find the World Anvil link here or at the bottom of our website homepage. Check out the new Cultural page and be sure to check out Pelolia on the Cultures Page
Kickstarter Reminder
And just a friendly reminder our Kickstarter still has some things to pick up and we are inches away from our next stretch goal!
Our First Round of Teasers
Happy Monday And Post-LARP Recovery! I hope everyone had a great time at Fables of the Frontier, Travail and celebrating Easter this past weekends! The lands of Discord may have been quiet but the work did continue on. We are excited to announce a much anticipated teaser release this weekend which we hope to be the first of many in the coming weeks. The team has been hard at work putting this together and I hope everyone can see and feel the love they've put into this. Without further ado, introducing The Rules Teaser
Kickstarter Is Ready
Our Kickstarter is preparing to go live! Starting a LARP takes serious funds, and we’re asking for your help to make this the best LARP it can be. Of course, you’ll receive more than a hearty handshake for your help. Rewards include in-game bonuses, swag, art prints, and even a professional TTRPG campaign set in the world of Ashenfall! We are so thankful to this community for believing in us and for giving us the opportunity to make something wonderful. Stay tuned for updates as this will be here before you know it

Taber Creek LARP Expo
We’ll be tabling at the Taber Creek LARP Expo in Union, Connecticut! This is your chance to meet the production team, ask questions about the game design, and learn more about the world of Aldwa. Preceding the expo, Taber Creek will also be hosting a 10AM - 5PM workday. Participants in the workday will receive free admission to the expo. Admission is $5 and goes towards the upkeep of the camp. Doors open at 5 PM–we hope to see you there!
Welcome to Chronicles of Ashenfall!
We’re so excited to bring this new game to life. Our team is hard at work writing rules, crafting lore, choosing design aesthetics–and oh, building a website! We’re hoping to host our first event sometime in Fall 2024 or Spring 2025. You can check here for more updates, or join us on our Discord server to stay in the loop. In the meantime, you can tide yourself over by taking a look at all the world of Aldwa has to offer.
- Skill pathways
- Magic and Death
- Races
- Cultures Want to see who is bringing this amazing new world to life? Check out our <Staff Page>. Stay tuned–information about our Kickstarter is coming soon!