A Realm of Possibilities
Aldwa is as diverse as it is vast. People of all walks paint its landscape. From immortal empires to nomadic tribes, there exists unique cultures with their own histories, beliefs, and customs.
From where will you hail?

The people of Pelolia survived the Sundering by hiding underground. They spent the years sealed in Aumun, a city carved from an old mine and closed off by a magically fortified vault door. When they emerged, the people of Pelolia appeared untouched by the dangers of the Sundering, but deeply changed by their time in the dark. What happened in the Vault shaped them as a people, strengthening their bonds and ultimately leaving them weary of those around them.
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Kafervolk Caravan
The Kafervolk are traders and explorers, wanderers and alchemists. Years ago, they embraced the road and the bounty it brings. They live in the shadow of a swarm of deadly, giant bugs called jatziri that emerged after the Sundering. Their caravan follows their yearly migration and lives off of their bounty. The Kafervolk live in constant danger of becoming bug food; their harsh reality forges strong family bonds and fosters respect for the traditions that have helped them survive in a world full of new horrors.
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In the wake of the destruction and mutilation of nature from the Ashes, a collective of devoted and skilled adventurers braved the wilderness to restore the old growths. The coterie of tribes and villages eventually settling these wilds came to be known as Totemreach. Many differences in ideology keep the region fraught with dangers from an Ashtouched world and even from amongst themselves.
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The gleaming city of Piccarda rises triumphant from the blackened lava flows that nearly destroyed it. Situated in an isolated valley created by the Sundering, the city-state lay in ruins until rare minerals were discovered in the area. The wealth of Piccarda is visible on every street–as long as you don't walk down the wrong one. Inside the city, the guilds of Il Corpus maneuver for control while citizens fight to protect it from forces determined to destroy it for good.
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Marshhelm League
The people of the Salt-Touched Foothills are industrious and honorable. They work hard and party harder. They value strength and tenacity in combat over other traits and prefer to face their problems head on instead of skirting around in the shadows. The five strongholds of the region are a testament to these values. This region is known for its bountiful yet unforgiving sea. A mark of pride for most Salt-Touched people are the strong boats they craft to navigate the treacherous waters of the region.
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Folan Hegemony
The Folan Hegemony–now called the Blood Baronies–rose to provenance through the will and power of The Blood King. After carving out the borders of his kingdom, he established a strict magocracy and awarded baronies to the great mages of the Hegemony. A blood oath binds the baronial houses, extending to anyone inducted into them or sharing their surname. In the decades since The Blood King disappeared, the remaining great houses have struggled and stagnated under the same arcane forces that created them, jockeying for power and standing.
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Lotus Empire
Nothing ever goes wrong in the Lotus Empire, and nothing ever will go wrong in the Lotus Empire. Led by the enigmatic Masked Emperor, the country has stood strong against the horrors and madness of the Sundering and the Ashes since time immemorial, safely protected within the grand fortress city of Lianhua. The grace of the Emperor and the industrious and ever loyal citizens have triumphed over its enemies and brought prosperity and happiness throughout the land. May the Emperor guide and protect the people forever, and may its enemies falter and fail.
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