

Rulebook Coming Soon

We are in the process of developing our rules system! We hope to begin alpha testing in March with beta testing to follow. Be on the lookout for opportunities to view the rulebook, help test it, and provide feedback on our Discord!



Pathway Image - Defender

For those who wish to stand as unyielding guardians on the battlefield, embodying the essence of resilience and protection. Masters of heavy armor and expert shield usage, Defenders excel in absorbing damage and shielding their allies from harm, serving as a bulwark against their foes.


Pathway Image - Warrior

For those who embrace the art of combat, specializing in the mastery of two-handed weapons and dual wielding to dominate the battlefield. As weapon masters and skilled melee combatants, warriors are adept at delivering devastating blows. Warriors seek the thrill of close-quarters combat and wish to become the epitome of martial prowess.


Pathway Image - Scoundrel

For those who operate from the shadows, where stealth and precision converge to define the art of the silent kill or the perfect heist. Embracing the roles of thief and assassin, followers of this path hone their skills with throwing knives and daggers, becoming masters of both distance and close-quarters combat. Scoundrels value subtlety and guile over brute force and seek to outmaneuver their opponents with finesse and deception.


Pathway Image - Skirmisher

For those who pursue the art of ranged combat and guerrilla warfare. Embodying the essence of an archer who strikes from afar and the tactician who employs strategic positioning. As masters of archery, they employ ambush tactics and hit-and-run strategies. The skirmisher focuses on outmaneuvering opponents and delivering lethal blows before vanishing into cover.


Pathway Image - Naturalist

For those who seek harmony with the natural world, becoming conduits for its raw and untamed power. Manipulating the natural elements of the world, these practitioners embrace the ancient wisdom of elemental and totemic might. They embody nature’s resilience and diversity to influence the tide of battle and protect their allies.


Pathway Image - Channeler

For those who seek to manipulate the forces of magic and wield its boundless energies. As spell weavers, channelers can manipulate the new energies of the world, casting spells with unparalleled power and precision. Their use of the arcane grants them the power to spread both destruction and ruin to those that stand in their way.


Pathway Image - Sawbones

For those who balance life and death, serving as the field doctors and medics of the world with a mastery over both the physical and ethereal aspects of health. Sawbones are adept at manipulating health and spirit, using their profound knowledge to heal wounds, cure diseases, and even venture into the realm of spiritual healing to mend the scars unseen.

Rune Scribe

Pathway Image - Rune Scribe

For those who dedicate their lives to the pursuit of knowledge and the mastery of runic arts. As scholars of the world, Rune Scribes delve into ancient texts and arcane symbols. Uncovering the secrets of the universe through the meticulous study and application of runes, these masters of the runic arts wield the power to shape reality, inscribe spells, and imbue objects with their runes.


Pathway Image - Socialite

For those who thrive under the spotlight of both the tavern's warmth and the palace's grandeur, embodying the roles of musicians, courtiers, and the life of every party. Socialites are masters of wit and persuasion, their words as captivating as their music, weaving influence and charm into every interaction.


We are in the process of refining our crafting process. As things are ready for release, we will post them here and let you know!