Spring Season is Upon Us
Happy New Year
As we celebrate the year 2025, the world of Aldwa eagerly welcomes in the year 125. The countdown to our first event of the Spring season has begun and ticket sales are now live! We’d like to take a moment to share a few updates as we prepare for the season.
Email Newsletter
You should have gotten an email to your registered account. We'll be sending updates through that for those folks that aren't as active on Discord.
Spring Tickets Are Live
Ticket sales for Spring games are now live! Visit the website to register today!
Staff Updates
We’ve made some updates to our staff and leadership teams! These folks did some amazing work in preparing us for our first event, and we’re proud to recognize them for it! Leadership: Jess L Jess makes sure that our content is ready for consumption, applying her real-life editing skills to our game’s voice and outward-facing presence. Staff: Julie S Julie is a member of the Prop Support team. She helps ensure that our props and costumes have meaningful details that give the world a real, lived in feel. Staff: Jessica F Jessica is a member of our Prop Support team. She is ultimately responsible for organizing cast costuming and props at our events!
Read more about who helps run Chronicles of Ashenfall and shape the world of Aldwa on our Staff Page.
Summer BBQ
We’re planning a summer BBQ! Details should be out this month, so keep an eye on Discord or the Events page for updates!