Camp Selection and More
Kickstarter Reminder
Kickstarter Ending Soon!! With just 11 hours to go on the Kickstarter, please be sure to double check your pledges, jump in if you'd like to and prepare yourself! There are a host of rewards both in game and out of game that are available and may only be available through the Kickstarter! We're fairly close to the next stretch goal, which may or may not involve projectiles in the form of arrows being added to cast arsenal! :heart: :green_heart: As we get close to closing out, a HUGE shout out to the community for helping us with this. We are beyond excited to get this game underway and eternally grateful for the trust and compassion! :blue_heart: :purple_heart:
Application Approvals
Application Approvals Inbound!! We released the application process on the site prior to building the approval process on the backend so we can get people in there sooner. I'm happy to report the code for approving applications is in review and testing. Ashe and I are at Fury this Saturday (JOIN US!) so there may be some delays. We'll be updating Discord roles in batches ahead of the website update so look out for that and watch your inbox.
Camp Selection and More
Drum up the excitement!! After reviewing several of the available camps in the area, we're happy to announce we've chosen Taber Creek in Union, CT as the home of Mysthaven! I know a lot of people really love the camp and we're excited to bring the world of Aldwa to its stretch of the woods. On top of all that, the contract has been signed and we're looking toward a **November 1st 2024 **first event kickoff date! There is a lot to do between now and then so be prepared for stuff to start coming out fast and furious. Please feel free to reach out to myself or Kieran should you have any questions!!