Rulebook Changelog

Version 1.1

Released 1/31/2025

Core Rules - How to Play

Page 9

  • Updated the first few paragraphs and sub-sections of the Shields information in the Core Rules to streamline the information, enhance clarity, and provide better explanation of how Shields work.
  • Added clarification to allow Players to go to the Crossroads early if they are Stabilized, but not Dying in certain circumstances.
  • Updated Spirit to reflect that all Players can see Spirits, but only those with a specific skill may freely interact with them.
  • Cleaned up language for Dying, Stabilize, and Spirit to reflect update in Spirit Effect / Trait and to clarify the timer for Dying.

Core Rules: Keywords & Game Ethos

Page 15

  • Expanded the list of example Traits and added clarification to help explain how Traits work in one place, rather than spread across multiple Pages in the rulebook.

Pathways, Skills, and Advancement

Page 50

  • Naturalist’s Druid’s Camp Skill changed the word “commences” to “begins” for clarity to those speed-reading.

Page 52

  • Disarm was spelled wrong, fixed that.
  • Updated the Strength of Aldwa branch skill under Totem Warrior Trunk 11 to be consistent with other similarly worded skills in the system. This expands the use of this skill slightly / clarifies the intent of when the benefit can be used.

Page 55

  • Added language to the fly-out Rests reminder to add clarification that the Start of Game counts as completing a Short/Long Rest for Player Characters. This allows for designating Troupe/Wards at the start of game without having to wait an additional 15 minutes/Short Rest timer.
  • Reference to Between Game as a Skill type replaced with “Post Event” for clarity

Page 57

  • Updated Sawbones Triage Training to include “...10 minutes” as a duration to clarify that the Stabilize is longer than 10 seconds but not indefinite.
  • Triage Training referred to fixing a target that was bleeding out as flavor text for the description of the skill. This flavor text was updated to “dying” to accurately reflect our Keyword system and clarify the condition/effect targeted.

Page 65

  • Updated Socialite’s Resting Melody Trunk Skill to be useful in more instances, changing from setting duration of Short Rest “to 10 minutes” to reducing the timer by 5 minutes. Clarifying language and limiting parameters added to the Skill description to clarify its intended use, balance the effect, and offer more use-cases.

Page 71

  • Trunk 3 and Trunk 4 of Acolyte were swapped to align with overarching pathway structure.
  • All instances of Acolyte shrines have been updated to reflect their use of Charges as a gathering mechanism for Acolytes to help streamline their crafting process.
  • Sanctify description updated to clarify what “benefits” are restored.
  • Trunk 4 erroneously included the Trunk 5 text, updated to replace with the intended Trunk 4 text.

Page 72

  • Trunk 3 and Trunk 4 of Apothecary were swapped to align with overarching pathway structure.
  • Description of what Azoth is and how to use it added to clarify this Apothecary-specific component.
  • Trunk 4 erroneously included the Trunk 5 text, updated to replace with the intended Trunk 4 text.

Page 73

  • Trunk 3 and Trunk 4 of Blacksmith were swapped to align with overarching pathway structure.
  • Trunk 4 erroneously included the Trunk 5 text, updated to replace with the intended Trunk 4 text.

Page 74

  • Trunk 3 and Trunk 4 of Survivalist were swapped to align with overarching pathway structure.
  • Trunk 4 erroneously included the Trunk 5 text, updated to replace with the intended Trunk 4 text.
  • Rub Some Dirt In It inaccurately referred to Dying as “bleeding”. Fixed the terminology to be consistent with our Keyword system.

Page 75

  • CP Caps / Progression Limit description was updated to reflect the number of events as +2 instead of +1 to accurately reflect the progression limit rate. It was intended that Player Characters could be up to 1 Trunk further than the current event, but was written in a past tense perspective which caused confusion.


Page 77

  • Added information to clarify that Players are encouraged to bring personalized crafting dice, but that a set are available at the crafting area in-game if needed

Page 80

  • Basic Shrine updated to reflect Charges rather than direct essence generation.

Page 81

  • Hallowed Shrine updated to reflect Charges

Page 82

  • Exalted Shrine updated to reflect Charges
  • Blessed Shrine Effect updated to align with the Shrine Charges system

Page 85

  • Healing Potion Enhanced version corrected

Page 93

  • Fixed weird formatting on Scent Gland item card that split the text above and below the components boxes

Page 94

  • Fixed Enhanced Leather Grip Wrap description so that it no longer reflects the tooth/claw necklace text from below.

Page 95

  • Arrow recipes updated to reflect that they do not “use” a Bow as a component, but that they are applied to an Arrow which then consumes the Effect when used. Descriptions for the Arrow items were updated to reflect this clarification.
  • Updated special Arrow recipes to be Enhancement item type instead of Consumable as that seemed to make more sense upon review.

Page 96

  • Every recipe on this Page had the wrong components listed for them. Fixed these descriptions to reflect the appropriate components needed.

Page 97

  • Medicine Cabinet was incorrectly listed as a Consumable, updated to reflect that it is an Architecture item. The recipe also erroneously included “bow” as a component; the correct recipe is now listed.

Interacting with the World & Playing the Game

Page 108

  • Removing references to Purple colored stickers as we didn’t actually have them / use them and want to maintain Blue as a consistent reference color.
  • Remove restriction of Between Game Skills to only 1 per event. Updated language to “Post Event” rather than “between game” for clarity. Added clarification of how to submit Post Event Skill uses through the feedback form.

Page 110

Updated the description of how Armor is calculated, added clarifying language, re-ordered the flow of information, and removed redundant language throughout this section.


Page 113

  • Minor clarification added to help describe how Players can know whether their character can interact with a Rune found in the world.

Global Changes

Page 50, 53, 55, 56, 59, 61, 62, 65, 72, 73, 74, 77, 108, and Table of Contents

  • All instances of “Between Game” Skills have been updated to “Post Event” to provide clarity on mechanics and logistics of these skill uses.


  • Several Instances of a Letter ‘B’ were used the wrong font style and were updated from Semibold to Semibold Italic…I know, exciting stuff.

PDF Bookmarks / Hyperlinks

  • Removed “Chapter” from the links of section 3 and section 4 to align with the rest