Lotus Empire
Lotus Empire
The mysterious Lotus Empire existed on Aldwa even before the Sundering. Its people are gratefully led by the charismatic and immortal Masked Emperor, who has safely navigated the Empire through the dangers of the world since time immemorial. The Sundering and Ashfall drove most of the population into the fortress city of Lianhua, a safe haven from the apocalyptic terror and threats that beset the rest of Aldwa. Lianhua is located strategically to command the Jintu river valley, thus providing the Empire with plentiful natural resources and easy access to the the rest of Aldwa through both land and sea routes. Since the Sundering, many groups of refugees have turned to the Lotus Empire and been welcomed with open arms. These groups that have been assimilated into the Empire now also call Lianhua home. While Humans, Drakari, Soulforged, and Beastkin collectively make up around 60% of the populace, all species of Aldwa can be found residing in the city’s various districts, and all are accepted as dutiful and loyal subjects of the Emperor. Due to the concentration of Ashtouched monsters on its borders, the Lotus Empire has remained very insular, secretive, and protective of its citizens and lands, on par or even more so than the vault dwellers of Pelolia. This isolation was a necessary sacrifice the Emperor and other government officials made to protect the citizenry during the Sundering; even today, it seems many of its citizens greatly prefer to stay inside the safety of the city rather than risk the dangers outside. Stories of what goes on inside the city abound. Visitors to Lianhua must obtain a royal seal of assent, and only a handful of citizens ever seem to leave its walls. Most tell of a peaceful and opulent city with districts filled with extraordinarily helpful, happy, and well-fed citizens, though “escapees” like to tell contrary tall tales of squalor, misery, and terror in the processing districts, for some unknown reason.
Lotus citizens see the Sundering as a great hardship that the Empire has only navigated thanks to the genius of the Masked Emperor. The scant few foreigners who have visited Lianhua report that although the populace tends to avoid them, they seem happy, hardworking, and live in relative prosperity compared to the rest of Aldwa. The Emperor’s various police and military forces maintain order and decorum within the bustling city districts; they help those citizens most in need of assistance and bravely protect them from the monsters that regularly attempt to lay siege and destroy the city. Citizens of Lianhua live in physically separated and walled districts. This system is a necessity born from the Ashfall when the monsters of the Sundering attacked and routinely breached the walls of the city. As more and more people escaped to the relative safety of Lianhua, it became necessary to expand, thus requiring additional layers of fortifications to protect the newly claimed territory. Eventually the city was divided into separate zones and pockets of defenses that could be manned as needed if the walls were ever breached. These districts now form the basis of Lotus society and are the primary identifier for Lotus citizens. Every district of Lianhua strives to be self-functioning. Very few citizens ever feel the need to leave their district, with most schools, stores, warehouses, jobs, and other necessities provided within the district itself. Although they are not fully self-sufficient and even trade amongst themselves, districts of Lianhua can function on their own for several weeks or even months at a time if there is ever a need. The only exceptions are specialized districts like the Merchant Quarter or the Towering Gardens. Inter-district travel and communication are carefully managed and controlled by the government to limit the time districts are vulnerable and open.
Historically, the citizens of Lianhua were constantly under threat of attack from the Ashtouched monsters that roamed the valley. As such, their fashion trended towards the utilitarian and simple. In recent years as attacks became less of a worry, fashion trends such as fanciful and flowy clothing have begun to dominate. Leather and other animal products like bone, hide, skin, fur, and wool are the most commonly used materials. Occasionally, homegrown silk and chitin from the Kafervolk are used in clothing. Metals, gems, and textiles derived from plants also see some use. Although the weather in the Empire is mostly temperate, there is a distinct cycle of four seasons. To account for changes in temperature, layering is common. Most clothing is made with natural colors like brown, black, or tan. Many people incorporate the traditional colors (pinks, reds, yellows, whites, and greens) and symbols of the Lotus into their everyday wear to venerate both the Emperor that protects them and the Lotus Empire itself. Masks have also become popular with the public. While only high level government officials on assignment are mandated to use them, many citizens have adopted them for everyday wear as fashion statements.

Lotus Gardens and Conservatory
The Lotus Gardens and Conservatory is a specialized district that entirely encompasses Lake Baihu in Lianhua. This beautiful nature preserve is primarily used to grow lotus flowers but is also home to numerous other plants and animals that wander the grounds. The gardens serve as a popular summer tourist destination, and many citizens flock to the district to see the lotus flowers in bloom. They are home to the Serene Lotus, whose first blooms mark the beginning of Sweeping Week.
Towering Gardens
The Towering Gardens are a large district filled with massive “garden” buildings located close to the center of Lianhua. These buildings are carved with intricate runes that cause light to constantly shine and water to fall in regular intervals inside the building, creating an ideal environment for growing various crops, vegetables, and fruits. The Gardens provide Lianhua a regular array of fresh foods for consumption.
Baoan is the first official border district that lies outside of the city of Lianhua. It is an outpost that serves as an early warning system for the Empire and as a trading post for other cultures. The district is located on the cliffside of a red rock mesa neighboring the Lotamos river, and the buildings have been wholesale carved into the rock to protect the district from the reach of most Ashtouched monsters.
Superstitions & Taboos
- Sunrise, Sunset Dawn and dusk are considered the most fortuitous times of the day in the Lotus Empire. Most residents will try to take some time out of their day to view either or both as a small celebration of living another day.
- Honor The Dead Lotus Citizens keep small shrines that venerate their ancestors. After all, because of them you are alive today.
- Secrets Unburdened Keeping secrets is considered grossly unlucky. Information should be shared, not hidden. An unburdened mind is a happy one.
- A Noisy Perimeter Check Before going to bed, Lotus Citizens usually walk around their homes ringing a bell or chimes to make sure no Ashtouched are near.
- Safety in Numbers It is always better to spend your days with other people. Being alone in the world of Aldwa is dangerous.
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