Situated in an isolated valley created by the Sundering, the city-state of Piccarda is half ruins, half opulence. Huge mountains of flash-cooled lava created mountains of obsidian that tower over the entire valley and made land travel to the city nearly impossible. Most travel and trade is done via the river that cuts underneath the mountains and through the city. The terrain creates a wind tunnel that directs storms through the area and makes the weather unpredictable. Despite these difficulties, the farms in the valley have managed to produce enough food to sustain the city’s population. The wealth of rare minerals in the area sets Piccarda apart from other cultures. Raw materials like gold, granite, and gems of every kind are refined into works of art by the crafters in the city. Even the poorest citizens wear jewelry of delicate obsidian–as common in the city as it is uncommon everywhere else. After an unsuccessful attempt to expand their borders, the city was locked into a treaty that forced it to send a significant portion of its wealth to the Lotus Empire in reparations, including a small district of the city itself. This arrangement has stunted Piccarda’s growth for decades. Recent improvements in production have helped the city overcome this obstacle and put it in a position to renegotiate terms.
People from Piccarda are generally suspicious of strangers, as everyone in the city usually has an ulterior motive. They are fiercely passionate and quick to unite for a common cause. To rivals, they are ruthless–grudges are tended to like gardens. Most long-standing disagreements in the city-state end when one party (and all their supporters) has passed beyond the Veil, permanently. Regardless of guild affiliation, Piccardans are proud of what they have built and see themselves as a bastion of culture and civilization in an otherwise broken world Piccardans view the Sundering and its cause from a logical perspective. Many believe that it happened due to some destabilization of the barriers between planes, likely from a ritual gone wrong. Any claim that the Sundering was a punishment from the gods would be laughable in the city.
The guilds of Piccarda constantly squabble over resources, placing a huge strain on the city and creating a massive wealth disparity. Places that are more exposed to threats–or are represented by less powerful guilds–are repaired less frequently. Some areas have been left uninhabitable for years. This disparity also shows in their dress. Those of high status wear tailored clothing made from imported materials and jewelry showcasing gems from the valley. Gold is the metal of choice for accessories; those who can’t afford it make due with brass, copper, or plain obsidian–the most common and cheapest option in the area. In the city, people wear well-fitted jackets or bodices with skirts, usually made of linen. Cloaks are worn even in clear conditions, as the weather can change at a moment’s notice. Embroidery is used to add individualized flair and style to clothing. Those who work in the mines and outside the city tend to wear looser and less decorated clothes that allow more freedom of movement.

The City
The city of Piccarda itself sprawls out in the center of the valley. The Lotamos River cuts through it, with several bridges connecting one side of the city to the other. Volcanic activity during the Sundering elevated a plateau high above ground level--it is slowly crumbling onto the city below. Each of the guilds have their own areas of influence within the winding streets.
The Valley
The rest of the valley consists of farms that focus on high yield crops and flax. Mines that collect all manner of rare materials from the earth lie closer towards the mountains and within several fissures that scar the landscape.
The Attawa District
Technically part of the Lotus Empire, the Attawa District is a walled off section of city blocks between the Grand Plaza and Torazan Hall. This land was given over to the Lotus Empire as part of the Treaty of Danfa, but many Piccardans still consider it part of the city.
Superstitions & Taboos
- Mind Your Manners. Proper etiquette isn’t only about respecting others–it also shows that you respect yourself. Courtesy is expected with every social interaction, even–and especially–between rivals. Those who don’t show any refinement are simply not worth the time of day.
- Failure is Part of the Process. If you’re successful all the time, you’re not pushing yourself to be the best you can be. When you do fail, learn from it, and move forward. It is important that people be allowed to fail–offering help is seen as a grave insult and citizens will avoid asking for help if at all possible. A person should stand on their own. Of course, when Piccardans are asked to help, they are more than happy to oblige.
- Be Prepared For Anything. Piccarda is constantly at the mercy of unstable magical energies and weather patterns that are as changeable as the wind. Pair this with the machinations of different guilds and the streets can turn from peaceful to hostile at a moment’s notice.
- Seize Everything. Life is unpredictable. Any day could be your last, so make the most out of all of them. Build your legacy while you live, or you’ll be forgotten before the ashes on the statue are even gone.
- “Take the Straight Road.” This is a common phrase heard on the streets, often making fun of the fact that there isn’t a single one in the entire city. As Piccarda was rebuilt, it was designed to alleviate the dangerously high winds that cut through the valley. The saying has evolved to describe the folly of trying to solve a complex problem with a simple solution as well.
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