


Mothkin lived peacefully underground until the Sundering made their cavern homes uninhabitable. These bizarre, moth-like creatures may have wings, antennae, and soft fur. They are renowned for the beautiful silk spun from their cocoons.

Costuming Requirements

  • Wings
  • Facial make up in colors matching the moth type

At least 2 of the following:

  • Antenna
  • Colored contact lenses
  • Glitter
  • Head wings
  • Face pattern of wings
  • Fake Eyelashes
Notes & Suggestions

Antenna must be of an appropriate costuming quality, i.e. not just pipe cleaners

Additional Resources

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World Anvil

Dive deeper into Mothkin lore in this comprehensive and intuitive wiki for the Ashenfall setting.

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Looking for costume inspiration? Check out the moodboard that helped design the unique look for the Mothkin.


Below are examples of what Mothkin might look like. Click an image to open a slideshow.